Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Final Day:
     Alas!  Finally, this god-forsaken project has come to an end!  While it has been difficult, not spending any money for a whole week, it really helps realize how much I waste money on, per week.  I'm happy to say that during the course of this project, I didn't eat fast food once, which makes me feel like I've had a healthy week.  I feel that this project has made me more aware of the worth of money, and made me more capable of saving it.  However to make up for it, starting tomorrow, I'm going to town at the store and buying everything I need that i wasn't able to buy this past week.


Monday, November 19, 2012

 Day 5: Sunday was the easiest day.  Pretty much sitting around watching TV, not going out, doesn't really demand you to buy anything.  So, that's that... Have a good week!

Friday, November 16, 2012

      My name is Buddy Becker.  I'm a student at Oakland University in Michigan.  I am a thrower on the track team here at OU, and I also play drums in a punk rock/alternative band with a few guys from high school.
 That's me. ^  :)

     This blog will cover my research and data on an experiment that we are doing in class.  We all get to choose a topic to do this experiment on, and I will be testing my ability to not spend a single dime on anything besides gas for a week.

     This experiment will be the ultimate test of dedication, persistence, and capability.

     Lately I've been doing too much of this, 
And not enough of this,

     Day 1:  I regret to inform you all, that I have failed.  On day one!  I left my lunch at home and had to buy lunch at school.  But I will do better and stick it out the rest of the way, because that's what I do for my readers.

     Day 3:  Day 3 went much better.  I had to resist an urge to get food before track practice, and wait until I got home, which proved to be beneficial, as we did a lot of spinning in circles, and I fear i would have lost the food anyway, if you know what i mean.

     Day 4:  Day 4 must have been the hardest.  I am in need of a wrist wrap for throwing shot-put at track, and unfortunately, cannot go to the store and buy one or get one online.  I had to search my house all over for some athletic tape, which isn't as sturdy as a good wrist wrap, but will have to suffice.   I also need new shoes, so this project, making me wear my shoes with holes in them, walking through puddles, is not on the top of my favorite projects list.